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Kari J. Kindem, AIT, CCH, CFHom, Certified Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner
CEASE Therapy,
Homeopathic Detox Method, HTMA Practitioner

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Serving families throughout the USA acute
and chronic care via Skype.
Kari Says This About The
Healing Power Of
is a gentle but incredibly powerful and healing natural
I have witnessed amazing, life changing
healing and results with the gift of homeopathy for my clients.
helps to strengthen a person's immune system and can bring each
of us
to the
and vitality that God intends for each of us!"
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About Kari J. Kindem,
AIT, CCH, CFHom, Certified Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner
Homeopathic Detox Method, HTMA Practitioner
Kari J. Kindem, CCH
is a
life-long Christian in her faith journey.
She is a Classical
Homeopath with
extensive clinical experience
and a
full time practice and has written thousands of acute and chronic and acute care
prescriptions for hundreds of clients
throughout the USA and globally.
specializes in the following types of cases
Diagnosed with
ADD and
ADHD, Aspergers Syndrome, Autism (ASD), Infants and Baby Care, Behavioral
Issues, Childhood Diseases, Eating Disorders, Encephalitis,
Developmental Delays, Eating Disorders, Emotional Issues, Failure To
Thrive, Food Sensitivities, Gut Dysbiosis, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Learning
Disabilities, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), PANDAS or PANS, Sensory
Processing Disorder (SPD), Sleep Disorders, Speech
& Language Delay,
Vaccine Injury Prevention, Vaccine Detox....and more.
Women: Diagnosed with
Breast Cancer,
Celiac Disease,
Crohn's Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Emotional Trauma,
Fibromyalgia, Grief Issues, Hashimoto's, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism,
Infertility and Conception, Lichen Planus, Lyme Disease, Menopause, Menstrual Issues,
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Pregnancy Care, Premenstrual Syndrome,
Postpartum Care, Sexual Difficulties, Ulcerative Colitis....and more.
Diagnosed with Addictions,
Allergies, Back Pain, Gastro-Intestinal Issues, Gout, Digestive Disorders,
Hemorrhoids, Kidney Stones, Stress, Sports Injuries....and more.
Kari is
certified and professionally trained in several effective homeopathic case analysis
methods including
Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA).
She has studied
water dosing methods
of the 5th and 6th Organon which includes
C potencies
dosed in water as well as
LM potencies as developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the
Founder of homeopathic medicine.
She is also
professionally trained in the use of CM and
She has a wealth of
homeopathic and medical knowledge
in a wide variety of diagnoses and issues.
Because of her experience, her practice has a high success rate in complex
has been studying Classical Homeopathy since 2004
with a strong emphasis on health issues for women, children
with autism, those with autoimmune diseases and vaccine injury
recovery. She has been in full
time practice since 2008.
She has a wealth of
homeopathic medicine knowledge
for a wide variety of acute and chronic health issues.
Because of her years of experience with homeopathic prescribing, her practice has a
very high success rate
for complex cases.
Kari is a practicing Christian
in her
faith journey, raised by loving parents in a
Christian home and is the middle of 8 children. Kari fully embraces a homeopathic
lifestyle! She is happily married since 1995 to her devoted
husband who are the proud parents of two amazing and vibrantly
healthy college
graduates who have benefited from a life of homeopathic
care since they were very young children.
Care Cases:
has experience with thousands of prescriptions for a large volume of
infectious and acute care issues for
women, children and families.
Please review this website for many
the various types of issues that she treats with homeopathy/
Advanced Specialties in Homeopathy:
Kari is
and experienced in the CEASE Method and has studied
Homeopathic Detox Therapy (HDT)
and other
homeopathic based detoxification
methods. She has
many years
of advanced courses with
training in
bowel nosodes,
hair tissue mineral
analysis (HTMA),
nutritional balancing,
nosodes, sarcodes,
homeopathic cell salts,
megapotency remedy prescribing,
Source Resonances (SR) audio files prescribing
and water dosing
Adjuncts Supports:
manyt years of clinical
experience with
hair testing,
lab testing,
therapies, MTHFR genetic mutations and other genetic
SNP's of concern. She is also familiar
Walsh Protocols
and understanding Functional Lab values.
Therapy and Homeopathic Detox
Kari is trained and
certified in these
valuable homeopathic detox methods with years of experience in working both
with the CEASE therapy and
on hundreds of cases using various and
proprietary homeopathic detox methods and protocols for efficient
detoxification. Homeopathic detox cycle are available for antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, birth control, breast implants,
chemicals, dental amalgams (mercury fillings), environmental toxins, heavy metals, prescription drugs, steroids and vaccines of all types.
Hair Tissue
Mineral Analysis (HTMA): Hair Testing is an affordable, accurate
and non-invasive way to learn about your body’s unique biomedical status. Hair
testing is reliable and has been used for over 200 years. The hair testing lab
(Trace Labs)
in the USA that we use provides the latest technology to
generate a detailed
report of your minerals and heavy metals. Hair tests reflect actual tissue
contents over the past several months and can be used to coordinate your health
care with a customized nutrition plan that will address the specific conditions
of your body in an intelligent way.
Vaccine Injury
This is one
specialty of practice including extensive
post-graduate study
and in homeopathic
prescribing for
vaccine injury
Kari is extensive experience with
hundreds of clients
serious vaccine injuries. She
successfully worked
with hundreds
of cases
vaccine injuries
all pediatric vaccines,
DTP / DTaP injury,
MMR injury, flu vaccine injury,
Gardasil Vaccine (HPV) injury,
military vaccine injury
cases and injuries from other injections.
Professional Experience ,
and Training For Homeopathic Practice and Related Therapies
(alphabetical list)
AO Body Scan Practitioner
Trained in the
use of cutting edge of quantum
energy medicine using the AO Body Scan Digital Body Analyzer. AO Body Scans may be done by
distance with clients living anywhere, using a digital voice recording plus
other client information. After the Inner-Voice, Vitals
and Body Scans are performed, a client receives a very detailed
report by email. The balancing frequencies are provided in an
audio file for listening to daily in order to rebalance those
unbalanced frequencies. The optimizing of a client's frequencies
is done automatically, each time they are scanned.
Read much more here about this method.
Autopathy Practitioner
Trained in the
various autopathy preparations and application methods for this new
homeopathic method of autopathy,
which based on the use instead of homeopathic remedies of a person's own saliva, breath and
prana for healing all types of energy blocks and health issues.
Worked personally with the founder of Autopathy method,
Cehovsky, Czechoslovakia.
Banerji Protocols Practitioner
Ongoing study and extensive use of the Banerji
Protocols, a method
of therapeutic homeopathic prescribing for all types of acute and chronic
Certified AIT Practitioner
Certified for many years
and using
the newest AIT
system for AIT AT Home based supervised services for delivering
Berard Auditory
Integration Training. AIT is a 10 hour listening therapy
done at home in
20 sessions, over 10 days.
Certified by the professional AIT trainers of the
AIT Institute.
Certified CEASE
Therapy Practitioner
Trained and certified
in the
therapy method for
autism and
vaccine injury
reversal, taught by the
Kim Kalina, CCH,
Certified Classical
Homeopath (CCH)
Classical Homeopath from the Council for
Homeopathic Certification., USA.
Detox Therapy Practitioner (HDT)
extensively in this homeopathic method
of Homeopathic Detox (Human Chemistry) and rebalancing with many years of experience working with hundreds of
cases using various homeopathic methods and protocols for
efficient rebalancing of body functions and detoxification. Taught by
the International
School of Human Chemistry and HDT by Ton Jansen, Netherlands and
Roger Savage, United Kingdom.
Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner (CHP)
for providing
using homeopathic methods and
principles to increase natural immunity to infectious diseases
of all types,
by Dr. Isaac Golden, Australia.
Certified Foundations in Homeopathy (CFHom)
Graduate from a 4 year professional program
(500 hours) at Caduceus
Institute of Classical Homeopathy, Santa Cruz, CA.
Clinical Casework in
- Hundreds Of Clincial Hours
Completion of hundreds of hours of intensive clinical training
and continuous
on-going clinical training through various
homeopathic educational institutions
in the USA and internationally.
Gemmotherapy Practitioner
Extensive course work and ongoing study in the use of
with professional
courses taught by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, New Zealand.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Practitioner
Kari has reviewed hundreds and hundreds of hair tests in her
practice over many years. She is trained in hair tissue mineral analysis
and nutrient therapies using minerals and homeopathy for
efficient and effective mineral rebalancing. She is also skilled
in the analysis of copper toxicity based on hair testing and
used advanced methods to help reduce copper
toxicity especially in women to improve health
outcomes more rapidly. She has extensive experience with hair
test interpretations on complex clients. She has completed
the Mineral Mastery Course and follows the body of
research and clinical work by the founders in the field of HTMA including
Dr. Paul Eck, Dr. David
Watts, Dr. Larry Wilson and
Dr. Rick Malter. Kari is also a professional mentor,
coach and trainer of practitioners who want to lrean how to do
hair testing and add it to their practice as a modality.
Homeopathic Facial Analysis
(HFA) Practitioner
Trained with extensive experience on
hundreds of cases in identifying active miasmatic influences
based on a complex set of facial features and
HFA analysis by
Dr. Grant Bentley, Victorian College of Homeopathy, Australia.
Megapotency Practitioner
Kari is trained and skilled
in the use of Very high potency
remedies (CM, MM) and megapotencies
(10MM, 50MM) and has been using these
potencies on many clients to resolve deeply rooted personal and ancestral guilt,
"shock blocks" and trauma with hundreds of clients. The
use of these remedies is based on the work of Jill R.Turland author of the book "Getting Back
On Track" in Australia.
Source Resonance (SR Audio Files) Practitioner
Trained to use Source Resonances
(SR) audio files for homeopathic
based healing for a wide variety of health
issues. This method focuses on deeply rooted emotional, mental, physical and
spiritual issues. Trained in the "TIPPS" system associated
with Source Resonances for
case taking to uncover burdens to health based on TIPPS -
toxins, infections, physical trauma, psychological trauma and
spiritual issues. This body of work and the associated
Source Resonance (SR) audio files are on the result of 20+ years
of work. Taught by Peter Chappell and Leilani van Koten, United Kingdom.
This method has cured thousands of cases of epidemic diseases
including AIDS and malaria in Africa.
Study in Homeopathy and Health
Guest Lecturer At Homeopathy Schools:
Guest lecturer at the homeopathic school of Intuitive Homeopathy
on the successful treatment of
Covid Vaccine injury
using homeopathic methods, the treatment of Long Covid
plus the treatment of Covid vaccine shedding injures to those
not vaccinated.
Advanced Courses For Homeopaths:
Ongoing webinars on bowel nosodes,
meditative proving remedies, new remedies, nosodes,
matridonial remedies,
trauma remedies and remedies for
autism taught by the Centre for Homeopathic Education
(UK) and Hilery Dorrian (UK).
Megapotency Prescribing
In Practice: Ongoing webinars on the use of
megapotencies taught by Jill Turland,
Source Medicine
Prescribing In Practice: Webinars taught by Peter
Chappel and Leilani van Koten, United Kingdom.
Homeopathic Treatment of
for professionals taught by Enlightenment Education.
Professional course taught by
Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD,
expert in Gemmotherapy, New Zealand.
Hair Tissue Mineral
Analysis (HTMA): Online
professional webinars and courses for
hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) and hair test
Homeopathic Detox Method
and Human Chemistry Method:
On going study and
professional forums with other certified CEASE and HDT Practitioners following the methods
of Ton Janssen, author of
"Fighting Fire with Fire".
Extensive experience
using this method of homeopathic detoxification of antibiotics,
antifungals, antivirals, birth control, chemical toxins,
environmental toxins prescription drugs,
steroids and vaccinations, given at any time and in any
combination. Helping hundreds of clients with recovery
using homeopathy and tautopathic remedies.
Treating Vaccine Damage: Advanced post graduate
course for professionals taught by
Dr. Isaac Golden, world
expert in
vaccine injury
treatment, Australia.
Homeoprophylaxis (HP) Certification Course:
post graduate course
taught by
Dr. Isaac Golden,
in Australia.
Homeopathic Theory and Materia Medica Lectures:
Series of 36+ on-line lectures on constitutional types through
E-Learning Course taught
Dr. Othonos
Athos, Homeopathic
Academy, Greece.
Homeopathic Treatment of Autism :
Effective autism treatment courses through the American Medical College of Homeopathy,
Phoenix, AZ.
Nutrient Therapies In Practice :
Extensive ongoing study of the
nutrient therapies
for metabolic disturbances and neurological diseases ADHD,
copper toxicity,
mercury toxicity,
methylation status,
pyroluria incorporating the clinical
methods used by Dr. William
Walsh, author of "Nutrient Power" and
The Walsh Protocols.
MTHFR Genetic Mutations and SNP's :
Extensive ongoing study and seminars related to the health and
MTHFR and other SNP's
including the work of Dr. Benjamin Lynch
Homeopathic Theory and Materia Medica Lectures:
Online lectures
by Dr. George Vithoulkas, International Institute of Classical
Homeopathy, Greece
Anatomy and Physiology Courses :
Academic course taught by Dr. Will Taylor and through Whole
Health Now continuing education modules for professional.
Post-Graduate Courses : Bowel Nosode Prescribing, Case
Management, Dose and
Potency Course: Taught by Dr. Will Taylor through
Whole Health Now Courses.
Organ Therapeutics and The Sycotic Miasm :
Organ therapeutics
and miasm course
taught by Karen Allen, CCH,
Continuing Education Seminars.
Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) Method:
Clinicals and extensive professional training
course completion in
with hundreds of faces analyzed
using the method taught by Dr. Grant Bentley, Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy,
Natural Fertility Program :
and personal mentoring in
natural fertility with homeopathy taught by world expert in
natural fertility using homeopathy, Liz Lalor, CH, Australia
Homeopath Seminars with Live Case Taking: taught by Dr. Luc De Schepper, Renaissance
Institute of Classical Homeopathy.
Ongoing professional seminars, courses
and study since 2005: Emphasis in
acute care,
Bach Flower Remedies;
nosodes, cell salts;
chronic care; case analysis;
case management;
homeopathic remedies,
Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA); isopathic nosodes,
natural fertility methods;
nosodes, organ therapeutics,
Source Resonances. and
Joint North American Homeopathic Conference
- continuing education with accredited
courses on the homeopathic care of women, children and families
and with courses taught by Dr. Luc DeSchepper.
Understanding Medorrhinum:
for professionals taught
by Enlightenment Education.
Understanding Mind
Rubrics Of The Mind, Delusions and Dreams:
Professional course
taught by Dr. Farokh Master, Enlightenment Education.
Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA.
Graduated 1981 with honors (magna cum laude).
Professional Forums
H P Forum:
International professional forum for Homeopaths
trained in Homeoprophylaxis.-
Practitioner Forum:
International professional forum for
Hair Testing Practitioners.
Human Chemistry Forum
(Homeopathic Detox Therapy):
International forum
with other professional homeopaths using
Detox Therapy
in their practices based
on the work of Ton Jannsen.
Homeopathic World
International forum of homeopaths and others who advocate homeopathy.
Banerji Protocols Forum:
International forum for those using Banerji
Protocols in practice.
CEASE Therapy Forum:
International professional forum for homeopaths trained in the CEASE Method.
CM Remedies Forum:
International professional forum for homeopaths trained in
and using CM potencies often.
Forum: International forum
for those using megapotencies in practice.
International on-line community of professional homeopaths.
Professional Affiliations
Council for
Homeopathic Certification
The National Center for Homeopathy
Books Studied and Referenced in
Kari Kindem's
Software for the Professional Homeopath
Materia Medicas
Books For the Professional including:
A Comparative Study of Chronic Miasms
by Dr. Y.R. Agrawal
A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer by Ramakrishnan and
A Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and Compatibility
Liz Lalor
A Homeopathic Love Story:
The Story of Samuel and Melanie Hahnemann
Rima Handley
Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum by Dr. Luc
DeSchepper -
Additional Banerji Protocols From the Clinic by Nimisha
Praskh -
Appearance and Circumstance: Miasms, Facial Features and
Homeopathy by Grant Bentley-
Autism Recovery Tool Box
by Jerry M. Kantor -
Banerji Protocols by Prasanta
Banerji and Pratip Banerji -
Beyond Despair CEASE Therapy
by Dr. Tinus Smits-
Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic
Practice by John Saxton -
by Dr. Philip Bailey -
Chronic Diseases
by Samuel Hahnemann -
Complete Homeopathy Hand Book by Miranda Castro -
Crossroads to Cure by Nicola
Henriques -
Dynamic Gemmotherapy by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg -
Emotional Healing With Homeopathy - Treating The Effects of
Trauma by Peter Chappell -
Encyclopedia of Remedy Relationship in Homeopathy
by Abdur
Rehman -
Family Guide to Homeopathy by Alain Horvilleur, MD -
Fighting Fire With Fire - Homeopathic
Detox Therapy Real Treatment Solutions For 21st Century
Diseases by Ton Janssen -
Getting Back On Track - Using Megan
Potency Homeopathy by Jull R. Turland -
Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies by
Lennon Rolfe -
Homeopathic Emergency Guide by
Thomas Kruzel, MD -
Homeopathic Guide to Partnership
and Compatibility by Liz Lalor -
Homeopathic Psychology by Dr.
Philip Bailey -
Homeopathic Sketches of Children’s Types
by Catherine R. Coulter -
Homeopathic Remedies
by Asha Hershoff -
Revolution by
Dana Ullman
Homeopathic Medicine for Infants and Children
Dana Ullman -
Homeopathy and the Periodic Table by Dr. Luc De Schepper
Conditional Critical by Dr. Luc De Schepper
Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky
Inspiring Homeopathy by Dr.
Tinus Smits
Lac Remedies in Practice by Philip Bailey
Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy by James Tyler Kent
Life and Works of James Compton
Burnett by John Henry Clark
Materia Poetic by Sylvia
Seroussi Chatroux, MD
Miasmatic Prescribing
by Dr. S.K. Banerjea
New Bach Flower Body Maps by
Kramer and Wild
Organon of Medicine by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
(translation by Just Kunzli)
Portraits of Homoeopathic Medicines (Volumes 1-3) by
Catherine R. Coulter -
Remedy Relationships by Thomas Blasig and Peter Vint -
Soul and Survival by Grant Bentley -
Stramonium by Paul Herscu -
Sycotic Shame
by Farokh Masters -
The Banerji Protocols
by Prasanta Banerji and Pratip Banerji
The Best of Burnett
by Dr. H. L.
The Biochemic Handbook
by J.C. Chapman, MD and Edward L. Perry,
MD -
The Complete Homeopathy Handbook
by Dr. Miranda Castro -
The Complete Practitioner's Manual of Homoeoprophylaxis:
A Practical Handbook of Homeopathic Immunisation by Dr.
Isaac Golden
The Genius of Homeopathy
by Glen Close
The Magic of the Minimum Dose
by Dorothy Shepherd -
The Link
(Bowel Nosodes, Sarcodes and Bach Flowers) by
Doris Beauchamp -
The Science of Homeopathy by
Dr. George
Vithoulkas -
The Spirit of Homeopathy by Rajan
Sankaran -
The Spirit of Homeopathic
Medicine by
Didier Grandgeorge, MD -
The Substance of Homeopathy by Rajan
Sankaran -
The Twelve Tissue Remedies by Boerick
and Dewey -
Typology in Homeopathy by Dr. Leo
Vannier -
Damaged Children
by Dr. Isaac Golden -
Vaccine Nation
by Andreas
Mortiz -
Vaccine Safety Manual by Neil Z.
Miller -
What About Men by Dr. Luc DeSchepper
Hair Testing and Nutritional Books
Of Study
Adrenal Fatigue: 21st Century Stress Syndrome by Dr.
James Wilson
Cancer is Not A Disease, It is a Survival Mechanism
by Andreas Moritz
Change Your Gen etic Destiny
by Dr. Peter D'Adamo
DMSO Nature's
Helater by Dr. Moron Walker
Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
Yourself With Sunlight by Andreas Moritz
Iodine: Why
You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It by Dr. David
Minerals for
the Genetic Code by Charles Walters
Effective, natural treatment for Tics and Tourettes by Sheila J. Rogers
MMS Health
Recovery Guidebook By Jim Humble with Cari Lloyd
Nutrient Power
by William J. Walsh, PhD
Nutrition And Mental Illness by
Carl C. Pfeiffer, PhD., MD
Lifting the
Veil of Duality by Andreas Moritz
Liver Rescue by
Anthony Williams
The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush
by Andreas
Moritz - see Liver Flush
Complete Copper Toxicity Handbook by Rick Fischer
The Iodine
Crisis: What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Live
by Lynn Farrow
The PH
Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaiming Your Health by Robert
O. Young, PHD and Shelly Redford Young
The Strands of Health (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis - HTMA) by Dr. Rick Malter, PHD
The Yeast
Syndrome by Dr. Morton Walker
Thyroid Disorders by Dr. David Brownstein
Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation
by Andreas
Vitamin C:
The Real Story by Steve Hickey PhD and Andrew W. Saul PhD
Visions of Health (Iridology) Jensen and Bodeen
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