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Vaccine Injury Recovery in Toddler Girl, Age 3

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Homeopathy for Women

Vaccine Injury Recovery In A Girl, Age 3
Homeopathy will support person with vaccine injury from DTaP, Hep B, HIB, Flu, Gardasil, Military, MMR and other vaccines.  Contact us to learn more!

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Story by the Mom of an Indian preschool girl, with severe reactions after her vaccinations including MMR.
September 2019

"My daughter was born in December of 2015 in Michigan, USA. Her delivery was very normal and she was born without complications. Her first year of birth, she was progressing perfectly. She slept well and drank breast milk without any issues. She received her vaccination shots as per doctor's advise, sometimes **up to 4 on a single day on both her thighs**. Shortly after her first year shots, she developed extreme constipation, doctors brushed that as off as because of introducing milk. 1 month after, she received in advance her 18 months shots and she REGRESSED HORRIBLY.

She did not speak a single word between 18-24 months. Due to her frustration in not able to express herself she also started to head bang, she was lost in her own world, not responding to her name, toe-walking. The pediatrician referred her for an autism diagnosis soon after. It is every parent's worst fear and sadly is very, very common now due to the influx of vaccine toxins into fragile body and minds.

Soon we started bio-medical approach and started her with day care and speech therapy, we supplemented her with vitamins and she developed a few words. She had a lot of issues in communication, interacting with peers, not answering questions, not potty trained among other issues. She has no digestive issues and eats and drinks everything without any discomfort.

We heard about homeopathy for autism, CEASE Therapy and found this website and contacted them. She did a initial diagnosis of my daughter according to her temperament and we started with vaccine detox. The therapy has improved her TREMENDOUSLY!

She improved in her social skills, eye contact, speech and interaction with others and memory. Most importantly she was potty trained during the day finally at 3.5 years. She initiates conversation with us, plays with us and other children, has imaginative play. Also she has a LOT more vocabulary now. She talks continuously and also has learnt a few words in our language. We would have never though she would develop words in a second language! We did not imagine she had a talkative personality!!

We like the fact that there are no side effects and the detox is gentle for her and we see results in short cycles of 12 weeks. We are on our second detox cycle, and we are continuously seeing progress. We hope to help our daughter lead a normal life. Thank you very much Kari for giving us hope for the future."

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