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Homeopathy for Women

Roseola and Homeopathy (Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6)
Homeopathic remedies will help a child with symptoms of roseola.  Contact us to learn more!

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What is Roseola?
What Causes Roseola?
What is the Incubation Period for Roseola?
Symptoms of Roseola
Homeopathic Remedies for Roseola

Supportive Tips for Roseola

What is Roseola?

Roseola is primarily a childhood disease that typically occurs in the first two to three years of life.  It typically presents with a sudden onset of a high fever that then is followed by a rash. Most often is effects infants and children. About 30% of the children in the USA get roseola between aged 6 month and 3 years. 

What Causes Roseola
Roseola is caused by the Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6). Although still not known exactly how the disease is spread, it may be spread by saliva

What is the Incubation Period for Roseola?

  • The incubation period is 5 to 15 days.
  • Once the fever has broken and the roseola rash develops, your child is no longer contagious
  • They will probably start feeling much better at this point.
  • The rash generally looks worse than it feels, since it does not cause itchiness or discomfort.

Symptoms of Roseola

  • Usually begins with a sudden high fever (103° to 106° F), which usually lasts three to four days.
  • Your child will most likely remain alert in spite of the fever.
  • Rash appears as the fever goes away and lasts three to four days.
  • The rash may look like measles or rubella.
  • There are rose-colored bumps two to three millimeters in diameter.
  • The rash usually appears first on the trunk of the body.
  • It may spread to the neck, arms, and legs but rarely to the face.
  • Seizures may also occur without the rash. Seizures happen in 5 to 35% of all cases of roseola. These  will not cause brain damage, and they usually go away when the fever goes down.
  • Breathing problems, ear infections, and diarrhea occur in about half the cases.

Homeopathic Remedies for Roseola

  • Aconite
    Rapid onset of high fever
  • Belladonna
    High fever where the face or body are burning hot to the touch, especially with irritability and sensitivity to noise or light
  • Chamomilla
    Fever with one cheek red and the other pale, with hypersensitivity and irritability
  • Pulsatilla
    For fever, child is thirstless, very fussy and clingy, and wants to be held.

Supportive Tips for Roseola

  • Keep the child well hydrated
  • Give sponge baths to keep comfortable.
  • Give your child plenty of rest, naps and sleep

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