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Homeopathic Remedies for Infants with Colic

Homeopathic remedies can help reduce the symptoms of colic in infants and babies.  Contact us to learn more!.
See also Teething Remedies

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Homeopathic Remedies For Infant Colic

  • Aethusia
    For babies who cannot tolerate breast milk and have vomiting, regurgitation and/or silent reflux.

  • Bryonia
    Acute attacks of pain worse for the slightest motion accompanied by great thirst. Baby will draw legs up and burp. The tongue may be coated dirty white or brown in center.

  • Chamomilla
    For a colicky baby who appears to be intensely irritable and angry in their distress. They want to being carried around which soothes them a little but they will get some relief from something warm being placed on their tummy. The tummy will be distended and they will pass small amounts of gas. If your baby is also teething at the same time try this medicine first.

  • Dioscorea:
    Griping pains around navel.  Violent twisting and grinding episodes of colic.  Pain stops suddenly, start elsewhere.  Pains dart, radiate everywhere; from abdomen to back, chest, arms.  Worse eating, drinking, anger, 6 am, night, lying on stomach, Better bending double, warmth, hard pressure, after stool or gas, motion.

  • Colocynthis
     For baby that is relieved by having firm pressure on their tummy by laying them over your knee or over your shoulder. The baby will writhe in pain but will get some relief from passing wind or from the firm pressure.

  • Lycopodium
    The baby is worse between 4 pm - 8 pm and sometimes also at 2 AM. Flatulence and gurgling tummy with bloating may also be present. Your baby will be better lying on the right side.

  • Nux Vomica
    The baby's tummy appears tight and there are seemingly spasms of pain with constipation also.

  • Rheum
    The baby is irritable, difficult, restless, and doesn’t want to play. Baby cries a lot, especially at night when she doesn’t want to sleep and seems to survive on very little sleep.) She is pale and colicky and has a sour smell to her sweat and stools.

  • Silicea
    For babies who reject the breast and/or who vomit up breast milk as curds after feeding and are hungry after. They cannot digest it. You can also give Silicea to the breastfeeding Mother as well.

  • Kali Carb
    Baby's symptoms are worse between 2 - 4 am and after eating. Chronic pain which is better for motion, hot drinks and bending forward.

Cell Salts for Infant Colic - Read more about cell salts here

  • Cell Salt: Natrum Phos 6X
    This cell salt helps neutralize acids and aids digestion.
    Dissolve 3 pills in 4 oz warm water and give by dropper, 1 tsp.  Can be given at the same time as the Mag Phos 6X.

  • Cell Salt: Magnesium Phos 6X
    This cell salt helps with cramps, spasm and pain. Dissolve 3 in 4 oz. warm water and give by dropper, 1 tsp.  Can be given at the same time as the Natrum Phos 6X.

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