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Homeopathic Constitution Survey

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Homeopathy for Women

 Homeopathic Constitution On-Line Survey
Payment Processing Instructions

Completing a Homeopathic Constitution Survey is easy!
It on-line takes only about 15 minutes and costs
$29.00 (USD) per survey.


Please Read All Instructions Before You Begin.

This Homeopathic Constitution Survey is for your own educational information only and is not a professional diagnosis of any kind. A thorough analysis of a person's homeopathic constitution requires the services of a professional Homeopath. For a medical diagnosis, you must consult a licensed medical professional.

There are 15 primary homeopathic constitutional types that are considered and scored in this Survey, with the data and information for each type taken from homeopathic materia medica:

Arsenicum (ARS) Argentum Nitricum (ARG) Calcarea Carbonica (CALC)
Graphites (GRAPH) Ignatia (IGN) Lachesis (LACH)
Lycopodium (LYC) Mercurius (MER) Natrum Muriaticum (NAT M)
Nux Vomica (NUX V) Phosphorus (PHOS) Pulsatilla (PULS)
Sepia (SEP) Silicea (SIL) Sulphur (SULPH)
  • You may complete this survey for yourself, for another family member(s) or for any other individual.

  • Once submitted, your Survey will be scored immediately. 

  • You will be provided a written report indicating the mostly likely HOMEOPATHIC CONSTITUTION from these 15 types listed above, based on all of the responses provided in the Survey.

  • We suggest you set aside about 15 minutes to thoughtfully complete all 168 questions.

  • Your answers are all kept private and confidential.

  • Your payment of $29.00 (USD) allows you to complete the survey, submit it for scoring and provides you with a scored written report by email. 

  • Your paid access is for one (1) time use by one (1) person only.

All answers in the Survey are scored based on your response to each of the homeopathic questions by these replies:  VERY STRONGLY, STRONGLY, SLIGHTLY or DOES NOT APPLY.

There are 168 questions in the Survey in these categories:

  1. Your Information

  2. Personality

  3. Temperament

  4. Food Preferences

  5. Fears

Your scored report will show you the top 3 most likely homeopathic constitutions, based on your replies in the survey.  Your on-screen report will also show these after submission and the email report you immediately receive will contain your ranking and scores also.


There is a $29.00 (USD) processing fee for each Survey submitted and scored.

This fee helps to enable us to provide many free on-line homeopathic resources of this website.

Your Survey payment is non-refundable once made.

All Payments are processed via Paypal.

After your $29.00 is made in Paypal, your screen will look like the image below.

Once you see this image, just click on the arrow.
Return to Homeopathy For Women

You will be immediately redirected to complete the Homeopathic Constitution Survey.

Please make your $29.00 (USD) Survey processing payment now via Paypal.
You may pay using a Paypal account or credit card.


Thank you.

  If you have any technical problems with accessing or submitting your survey after you have paid,
please email: tech@ for prompt assistance.


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"Let Miracles Find You!Empowering Women and Their Families in the Homeopathic Lifestyle.
Homeopathy For Women - Alternative Health Experts, LLC. 
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