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Homeopathy for Women

Cina maritama (Cina)
(worm seed)

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  • This remedy is for intestinal irritation like in worms. Convulsions.

  • Mind is IRRITABLE, excited, frantic.

  • Offended at slightest joke .

  • CROSS. Uneasy. Dissatisfied.

  • Has tantrums. Cries. Cannot be quieted.

  • Capricious (Cham.) and complaining. 

  • Indisposition to play. STRIKING, scratching, pinching his mother. Throw things away, directed at you (Tub.).

  • Screaming, striking and biting. Disobedience. Not sensitive to punishment.

  • TOUCHY. Can't stand to be hold or touched. Cannot bear to be looked at.

  • Refuses hair combing or cutting. 

  • INDIFFERENCE, AVERSION TO BEING CARESSED, but wants to be carried, rocked.

  • Restless, can't sit still. Impelled to touch everything.

  • Violent screaming attacks at night, striking and kicking with hands and feet.

  • Abnormal consciousness.

  • Precocious.

  • Boring fingers into rectum or nose.

  • Digging and scratching in ears. PICKING AND RUBBING nose all the time. Boring in nose with finger. Rubs nose on pillow.


  • Dark circles around eyes.

  • One red, one pale cheek.

  • Bloated.

  • Pale and cold, or red and hot, can also alternate.

  • Grinding teeth, during sleep.

  • Excessive appetite, soon after eating. Changeable appetite.

  • Region of navel very sensitive to touch. 

  • Colic in newborns. Bloated and hard. Unpleasant warm feeling.

  • Rectum has WORMS, esp. pinworms.  ITCHING.

  • Diarrhea with cramping pain ameliorated by pressure, desires to be carried over shoulder, lies on abdomen. White mucus in stool like little pieces of pop-corn.

  • Cough: violent cough ending in spasms. Whooping cough (Dros.). Choking, suffocative, hacking cough morning after rising. Paroxysmal.

  • CONVULSIONS OF EXTENSOR MUSCLES. Spasms, twitching, jerking of hands and feet.

Cina Martiama: Homeopathic Medicine - Tips For Beginners
(5:30 minutes)

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