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Homeopathy and Breastfeeding

Homeopathic remedies can help with breastfeeding difficulties of all types. Contact us to learn more!

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Remedies For Mastitis


Homeopathy will greatly help with mothers with nursing and breastfeeding difficulties! Learn below about the most common homeopathic remedies for breast feeding, low milk supply, too much supply and other issues with lactation.

Homeopathy helps women with problems that can make it difficult for women to breastfeed successfully include mastitis, painful nipples and a slow milk supply.

Natural medicine recognizes that breast milk gives babies the optimal start in life, so keep in touch with your midwife, breastfeeding counselor and/or your Homeopath if you want to breastfeed. but find it painful or difficult or both!

Homeopathic Remedies for Breastfeeding

  • Agnus castus
    The remedy for suppression of the milk  accompanied with depression and perhaps retained placenta.

  • Belladonna
    For the first signs of mastitis
    .  The mother feels hot, red, throbbing. Very intense and sudden onset with pain and extreme tenderness in the breast.

  • Bryonia
    Use when the breast is hard, swollen and hot
    , but pale in color, rather than red and you cannot bear the slightest movement of the breast.

  • Borax 200C
    Remedy for thrush in newborns. Distinctive white patches on the tongue and cheeks of the body. Extremely sensitive.  They will be fast asleep and then are wake as soon as they are put down. Startling at the slightest sounds. Also used for a mother with postpartum depression.

  • Calcarea carbonica
    Used to help stimulate milk production. Breasts are full, maybe even sore, not much milk comes out.

  • Causticum
    Used to successfully increase breast milk in rheumatic women

  • Chamomilla
    Milk is suppressed from a fit of anger.

  • Dulcamara
    Use it you are chilly and under-producing milk.

  • Graphites
    Used for sore, cracked nipples from breastfeeding.

  • Hepar Sulphur
    Used in mastitis If there is pus, the area is very painful and the mother feels chilly.

  • Ignatia
    Used be used for a lack of milk with grief and crying, even hysterically.
  • Lac Caninum
    Works both ways - first to increase production if not enough and also to regulate if there is too much. Also addresses if there are milk flow issues that switch from side to side.   Often with anxiety and low self esteem. Some mothers may feel a conflict between nursing and the sexuality of her breasts and  this needs to be resolved to fully step into breastfeeding.

  • Lac humanun
    For scanty or profuse supply with sadness with every ‘let down’ reflex.
  • Lac Vaccinum Defloratum (Lac-D)
    Use to help stimulate milk production.

  • Merc-Sol or Merc-V
    Used If there is smelly, burning pus from the breast.

  • Nat mur
    Useful for an oversupply of milk. There is a stoic sadness or grief with little or no crying and often only in private.
  • Phytolacca
    Used in mastitis for sore, cracked nipples, which hurt when the baby nurses. It is also useful for breast infections (mastitis) where there are painful lumps in the breast.

  • Pulsatilla
    Person is depressed and tearful. She may weep while breastfeeding and needs a lot of support and company. Used if you are over producing milk.  Also used for a milk supply that is erratic, meaning that is good, then it is low, then it is adequate again.  Often the mother feels very weepy, wants to have lots of reassurance and company.

  • Ricinus communis (6C to increase, 30C to decrease)
    For non-appearance of milk or to increase breast milk.
    It also increases its flow in nursing women. Castor oil should never be given to prepare a woman for labor, nor for constipation in pregnancy at any time.

  • Secale Cornutum
    Used when breasts remain small and there stinging pain.

  • Silicea
    Used in the early weeks of breastfeeding if the nipples are very sore and tend to crack easily. Also for breast abscess has pus that is not smelly and strangely painless, but slow to heal.  Use this remedy if your baby tends to vomit after nursing. The mother can also try taking Silicea which will go through her milk to the baby.

  • Urtica Urens
    Use if
    milk production does not get going or is slow to come in. Use this remedy if you swing between the two extremes of over producing or under producing milk. Take in the first few days to establish good supply if there are no obvious indicators for other remedies.

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