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Sore Throat Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies can provide a person with symptoms of sore throat and strep throat symptoms.
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Homeopathic Remedies for Sore Throats

  • Alumina
    Useful in relaxed conditions of the mucous membrane of the throat, as in clergymen's sore throat. The throat is dark red and the uvula elongated. Dryness is also a prominent symptom; and glazed look.

  • Apis
    Stinging pains in the throat,
    with edema; the throat feel constricted, and the pharynx has a shiny appearance. Blisters in throat, with much swelling inside and outside.

  • Argentum nitricum
    Sensation of a splinter in the throat when swallowing; secretion of clear tenacious mucus, rawness in pharynx and larynx with altered tone of voice.

  • Baptisia
    Useful in ulcerated sore throat, with excessively offensive odor from the parts. Excessive putridity marks the remedy.

  • Belladonna
    Very often prescribed. Great dryness and brightness of the throat; it has a glazed appearance, the back of the throat is inflamed, the tonsils are swollen and enlarged, worse on the right side; constant desire to swallow. There is constricted sensation in the throat, worse from swallowing when liquids and even food are ejected through the nose. Great soreness from the swelling and increased sensitivity of the back of the throat. Rapid progress of the sore throat. Dryness is a prominent symptoms. A great aversion to drink with the sore throat is characteristic.

  • Calcarea phosphorica
    Specific for adenoid issues in the naso-pharynx.

  • Cantharis
    Highly inflamed throat covered with a plastic like lymph. Spasm of the throat with a feeling of intense constriction. The throat feels as if on fire, the pain seems to be at the back of the throat. Useful at the end of inflammatory and the beginning of thick mucus type of sore throats.

  • Capsicum
    Useful in sore throats of smokers and drinkers, with burning and relaxed uvula. Throat sore feels contracted even when not swallowing; the back of the throat is dark red. There is excessive smarting and burning. Worse from cold and cold aggravates.

  • Crot-h
    Left-sided throats with low form of blood poisoning. Gangrenous or diphtheritic throat, much swelling of glands, impossible to swallow liquids, throat slightly constricted. Bleeding from orifices of the body, body appears mottled, yellow and blue. . Low passive delirium, muttering and mumbling speech.

  • Ferrum phosphoricum
    Dry, red, inflamed and painful throat
    , sore throats of singers and speakers.

  • Gelsemium
    Back of the throat is dry and irritated and burning; the tonsils are inflamed.

  • Graphites
    Chronic sore throat,
    with the sensation of a lump in the throat.

  • Hepar Sulphur
    Ulcers in throat, sensation of splinters or fish-bones in throat, pain extends to ear, on yawning and swallowing and turning the head, Ameliorated by warm drinks (Lycopodium). Person feels very cold, particularly affected out in dry cold winds, or cold east winds. Fever with sweating and a desire to be covered up; profuse perspiration, yet ants several blankets over. Worse in drafts, open doors and windows. Suppurative throat troubles, tonsillitis and throat abscesses. The sensation of a fish bone in the throat is quite characteristic.

  • Kali-bichromium
    Deep scooped-out ulcers on tonsils, the saliva is sticky and stringy. Sore throat, with swelling of the tonsils, and ulcers with bad smelling discharge.  Caseous deposits on tonsils.  The coating of the tongue is yellow at the base. Accumulation of sticky tenacious mucus in the pharynx and pains in the Eustachian tubes. Sensation of dryness, of burning and of rawness, or a scraping feeling as if something were sticking in the throat.

  • Kali carbonicum
    fish bone sensation in the throat, with hawking; no other remedy has this hawking and sensation combined.

  • Kali muriaticum
    One of our best remedies for follicular pharyngitis where there is a gray or white color, the tonsils are swollen and inflamed. There are grayish spots or ulcers on them. Ulcerated sore throat which results from gastric disturbances. The glands about the throat are swollen.

  • Lachesis
    Left-sided or left to right. Sensation of fullness of neck, difficult breathing, choking ongoing to sleep or swallowing, aggravation of throat symptoms from warm drinks, unable to swallow, pain worse empty swallowing; purple throat. Sensation of a lump in the throat, which seems to go down when swallowing, but returns again. Constriction of throat and difficult breathing. Worse waking from sleep or after sleep. The throat is sensitive externally. Throat is bluish-red the discomfort is much greater than the appearance of the parts would warrant. Irritable and nervous sore throats.

  • Lac-c
    Throat pain on alternating sides, right to left and to right again. Throat looks red and glazed and shiny with silver grey deposit. Pains relieved by swallowing cold or warm drinks.

  • Lycopodium
    Right-sided remedy of right to left.  Better from swallowing warm drinks, opposite to
    Lachesis. No aggravation during sleep, no constriction of throat. Pain extends into ear (as in Belladonna, Hepar Sulphur, Lachesis, Cantharis, Phytolacca.

  • Mercurius solubilis
    Spongy throat, fullness and stiffness of neck, throat dry, swallowing is difficult. Bad odor marked. Tongue thickly coated, takes imprint of teeth. Sub-maxillary glands enlarged, dark red throat. Weakness, offensive sweat, person worse at night, trembling of limbs. Dryness and great soreness of the throat. Person is obliged to swallow constantly. Great soreness and swelling of the gland. Throat is raw and burning and also red and swollen. An offensive breath is a key symptom.

  • Natrum muriaticum
    Sensation as of a hair in the throat, uvula elongated, feeling of a plug in throat, tobacco user's sore throat.

  • Ignatia
    Sensation of plug in throat, worse when not swallowing. Nervous symptoms, marked prostration and slow recuperation.

  • Nitric acid
    Splinter-like sensations in throat, but due to ulcerative processes.

  • Nux Vomica
    Irritated throats of smokers, drinkers and preachers; there is a rawness and scraping in the throat which is usually caused by irritation from tobacco smoke, liquors or overuse of the voice. It is a chronic pharyngitis, and there may be atrophic white patches in the throat. There is also sensitiveness and a dry cough.

  • Pulsatilla
    Back of throat is dark red or purplish and having the appearance of a varicose condition of the blood vessels.  There is scraping, rawness, and dryness in the throat, without thirst.

  • Phytolacca
    Frequently indicated in sore throats, glands swollen, thick tenacious mucus. Aching in all bones, body feels bruised and sore, bed feels hard. Mouth is fetid, tongue coated, swallowing cold liquids relieves pain, warm drinks aggravate (Lachesis).  Pain and stiffness in the cervical region. In throats that are dark in color where the tonsils are dark red, the parts feel sore, and the pain on swallowing is at the root of the tongue. General aching in the back and limbs. Chronic sore throats where there is present a constant desire to clear the throat of phlegm or a sensation of a hot ball in the throat worse from hot fluids. The right side is more frequently the problem. Symptoms worse nights.

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